دليلك لأهم الكلمات المفتاحية وأفعال العمل لكتابة سيرة ذاتية إحترافية، أكثر من 2000 كلمة!
إن كنت أول مرة تسمع به، فإن ATS هو برنامج يقوم بمسح كل تطبيق "تقديم" يأتي للحصول على وظيفة. بناءً على متطلبات الوظيفة والملف الشخصي ، فإنه يقرر ما إذا كان يجب على مختص التوظيف مراجعة السيرة الذاتية أم لا.
ترفض أنظمة ATS ، في المتوسط، حوالي 75٪ من طلبات التوظيف، وحتى إذا تجاوزت سيرتك الذاتية عقبة ATS ونجحت بتخطيه، فإن مختص التوظيف سوف يلقي نظرة خاطفة على سيرتك الذاتية، اذ يقضي مختصو التوظيف حوالي 5 ثواني الى 25 ثانية كمراجعة أولية لكل سيرة ذاتية ليقرروا بعدها مع من سيمضون قدماً في عملية التوظيف ومن سيتم تجاهل سيرته الذاتية بشكل نهائي.
إذن كيف يمكنك أن تلفت النظر الى سيرتك الذاتية؟
بإختصار يمكنك ذلك من خلال اختيار الكلمات المفتاحية الأنسب وذات الصلة الوثيقة بالوظيفة التي تتقدم بطلب التوظيف فيها، فكلا ATS ومختص التوظيف يبحثان عن الكلمات الرئيسية او الكلمات المفتاحية ذات الصلة التي تتطابق مع ما يبحثون عنه.في هذا الدليل ستتعرف على التالي:
- ما هي الكلمات الأساسية (الكلمات المفتاحية)
- كيفية اختيار الكلمات الرئيسية المناسبة للسيرة الذاتية [خطوة بخطوة]
- اكثر من 1000 كلمة مفتاحية مقسمة حسب الوظائف ومجالات العمل
أولا: ما هي الكلمات المفتاحية (الكلمات الأساسية)
الكلمات الرئيسية للسيرة الذاتية هي كلمات أو عبارات تصف متطلبات وظيفية محددة، كالمهارات والخبرات والمؤهلات والشهادات وغيرها من المتطلبات الوظيفية التي يبحث عنها مختصو التوظيف في المرشحين.قد تتساءل، ما مدى أهمية باقة الكلمات المفتاحية تلك التي ستضيفها الى سيرتك الذاتية؟
حسنًا، سيتم غالبًا فحص سيرتك الذاتية بواسطة نظام تتبع المتقدمين (ATS)، يحتوي هذا النظام على برنامج يحمل في ثناياه عوامل ومعايير يقوم بتصفية السير الذاتية المختلفة التي تمر عبره وفقها، حيث يقوم مختصو التوظيف بإضافة أو إدراج قائمة من الكلمات الرئيسية في نظام ATS، مقتبسة من متطلبات الوظيفة، ثم يفحص ATS السير الذاتية بحثًا عن تلك الكلمات الأساسية المحددة التي قام مختص التوظيف بإضافتها.إذا لم تتضمن سيرتك الذاتية العدد المناسب من الكلمات المفتاحية الواردة في الوصف الوظيفي او المتطلبات الوظيفية، فسيتم تجاهل سيرتك الذاتية من قبل نظام تتبع المتقدمين ولا تصل الى مختص التوظيف أبدًا.
قد تتساءل ما نوع الكلمات الرئيسية التي يجب عليك تضمينها في السيرة الذاتية؟
حسنًا، نوع الكلمات الرئيسية وعددها وفئاتها تختلف من وظيفة إلى أخرى، سوف ندخل في مزيد من التفاصيل في القسم التالي من المقال ، ولكن إليك المثال التالي حتى تتضح لديك الفكرة:لنفترض أنك مهندس معماري تتقدم لشغل منصب رفيع في شركة كبيرة، وهذا هو ملخص سيرتك الذاتية :
“A detail-oriented and qualified senior architect who excels in developing construction drawings, creating 3D models, and conducting architectural research and analysis.”
- Senior architect
- Construction drawings
- 3D models
- computer-aided design (AutoCAD)
- 10 years of experience
- Detail-oriented
- Qualified
- Senior Architect
- Construction Drawings
- 3D Models
- Research
- Analysis
الآن ، قد يكون لديك خبرة في AutoCAD ولديك أيضًا أكثر من عشر سنوات من الخبرة، ولكن نظرًا لأن ATS لم يجدها في سيرتك الذاتية وبالتالي لم يقرأها ، فإنه لم يحتسبها نقطة لصالحك أي لم يتم اعتبارك بأنك تمتلك خبرة 10 سنوات وأيضا لم يتم اعتبارك ممارس على برنامج AutoCAD ، وقد يتم رفضك في هذه المرحلة الأولى بسبب الفجوة في الكلمات المفتاحية الضرورية.
يوضح هذا المثال تمامًا أهمية الكلمات الرئيسية عند استخدام ATS، وثم كما ذكرنا بالفعل ، فإن هذا ليس كل شيء، إذ تساعد الكلمات الرئيسية في السيرة الذاتية في إقناع مختص التوظيف أيضًا.
فحتى مع كل تلك السير الذاتية التي فشلت في ATS وتم استبعادها تلقائياً، فإنه ليس لدى مختصي التوظيف الوقت لقراءة جميع السير الذاتية التي تمر عليهم سطراً بسطر.
هم عادةً ما يقومون بتقييم السيرة الذاتية فقط عن طريق المسح بحثًا عن قائمة محددة مسبقًا من الكلمات الرئيسية، لذلك فكر فيهم على أنهم ATS ولكن بشكل بشري.
لذلك فإن كنت تريد أن تتميز من بين مجموعة المتقدمين وأن تحظى بالاهتمام، يمكنك القيام بذلك عن طريق اختيار الكلمات الرئيسية المناسبة للسيرة الذاتية .
ضع في اعتبارك ، مع ذلك أن الكلمات الرئيسية في السيرة الذاتية لن تفعل الكثير إلا إذا كنت تستخدم نموذج سيرة ذاتية صديق لـ ATS. لذلك إذا لم يستطع نظام ATS قراءة سيرتك الذاتية ، فلن يتمكن من البحث عن الكلمات الرئيسية، ومن هنا ننصح بإستخدام نموذج سيرة ذاتية صديق لـ ATS ومطابق لمعاييره من حيث التصميم والحجم والتنسيقات.
ثانياً: كيفية اختيار الكلمات الرئيسية المناسبة للسيرة الذاتية [خطوة بخطوة]
الآن كيف تختار الكلمات الرئيسية التي يبحث عنها مختصو التوظيف وبرامج ATS؟
أولاً ، افحص إعلان الوظيفة بحثًا عن الكلمات الرئيسية.
كلما كانت كلماتك الرئيسية في سيرتك الذاتية تتطابق مع الكلمات الواردة في إعلان الوظيفة ، كلما كان لديك فرصة أكبر للحصول على مقابلة.
هناك فئتان رئيسيتان من الكلمات الرئيسية التي يبحث عنها مختصو التوظيف وبرامج ATS:
- المهارات المتعلقة بالوظيفة - Job related skills
- أفعال العمل - Action verbs
على سبيل المثال: (Computer Science, Leadership, People skills, Openness, Adaptability, Critical thinking) وما إلى ذلك.
أما أفعال العمل فهي تبرهن على العمل، هي تُبَين ما كنت قد أنجزته وكيف نجحت في ذلك في خبراتك السابقة.
على سبيل المثال: (Managed, Developed, Planned, Maximized) إلخ.
لذلك ، عندما تقوم بإعداد أو مراجعة سيرتك الذاتية، فإنك يجب أن تحرز توفَّر كل من الكلمات الرئيسية المتعلقة بالوظيفة وأفعال العمل.
بمجرد تحديد جميع الكلمات الرئيسية ذات الصلة من الوصف الوظيفي ، فقد حان الوقت لإدراجها في سيرتك الذاتية.
لكنك قد تتساءل في أي قسم من اقسام السيرة الذاتية ستضيف هذه الكلمات بالضبط؟
الترتيب ادناه هو التوزيع الأمثل للكلمات الرئيسية في اقسام السيرة الذاتية:- الكلمات الرئيسية المتعلقة بالوظيفة يتم إدراجها في قسم "المهارات"
- أفعال العمل يتم إدراجها في وصف وظيفتك في قسم "الخبرة" او "الخبرة المهنية"
- الكلمات الرئيسية المتعلقة بالتعليم او التحصيل الدراسي يتم ادراجها في قسم "التعليم"
- الكلمات الرئيسية المتعلقة بالشهادات او الدورات التدريبية المطلوبة يتم ادراجها في قسم "الشهادات"
الآن سنوضح كيف يمكنك تحديد الكلمات الرئيسية ذات الصلة بالضبط واستخدامها في سيرتك الذاتية من خلال المثال أدناه، لكن قبل ذلك نود أن نحذر من ممارستين سيئتين يفعلها البعض و هما (المبالغة و الكذب).
لا تستخدم الكلمات الرئيسية لمجرد وجودها في سيرتك الذاتية فتقوم بحشو سيرتك الذاتية بأكثر عدد ممكن من الكلمات، إذ يجب استخدامها في السياق الصحيح وبما يعكس مهاراتك وإنجازاتك الفعلية.
لا يمكن لـ ATS اكتشاف التكرار أو الكذب ، لكن مختص التوظيف المحترف يمكنه ذلك بالتأكيد، لذا كن صادقًا وملائمًا ودقيقًا مع استخدامك للكلمات الرئيسية في سيرتك الذاتية.
إذاً كيف تبدو جميع الخطوات التي وصفناها عمليًا؟
إليك كيفية اختيار الكلمات المفتاحية الصحيحة في السيرة الذاتية من خلال مثال عملي، يوجد أدناه إعلان وظيفة Software developer وسوف نوضح وبشكل عملي كيف يمكنك تطبيق الإرشادات أعلاه على سيرتك الذاتية :الخطوة 1: قم بتحديد جميع الكلمات الرئيسية ذات الصلة كالتالي:
We are looking for a software developer with 5+ years of experience to create and execute functional, practical programs. Throughout the job, you will have to collaborate with other programmers and software developers. Your main objective will be to develop powerful, high-quality, user-focused programs and systems.
Job Requirements:
- Bachelor's degree (BSc/BA) in computer engineering, computer science or similar degree.
- Must understand in-depth the implications of software engineering.
- Previous, proven experience on a number of projects for software development.
- Experience with software designing in a test-driven environment.
- Deep knowledge of the frameworks/systems(AngularJS, Git) and coding language (e.g: C++, JavaScript).
- The willingness to work in a constantly changing world. Ability to adapt to new technologies and software languages.
- Creativity is a bonus.
- Great communication and teamwork skills.
- Attentive to detail.
Job Responsibilities:
- Work with programmers to build algorithms and flowcharts.
- Produce clean, usable, datatype-based software.
- Incorporate software components and programs from third parties.
- Validate and implement programs and systems.
- Fix, debug and improve existing software.
- Collect and analyze feedback from the client.
- Suggest and enact improvements.
- Create technical paperwork for reference and reporting purposes.
الخطوة 2: قسّم الكلمات الرئيسية ذات الصلة إلى أفعال متعلقة بالوظيفة و أفعال عمل، سيسهل ذلك عليك كتابة السيرة الذاتية.
الخطوة 3: الآن ، قم بتوزيع الكلمات الرئيسية تلك في سيرتك الذاتية حسب الأقسام كالتالي:
ملخص السيرة الذاتية - Resume Summary :
- Software Developer
- Software designing
- 5+ years of experience
- Develop
- User-focused
الخبرة العملية - Work experience:
- Develop
- High-quality
- Produce
- Incorporate
- Validate
- Implement
- Fix
- Debug
- Improve
- Collect
- Analyze
- Suggest
- Enact
- Adapt
- Software designing
- Test-driven environment
- Algorithm
- Flowcharts
- Clean
- Usable
- Datatype-based software
- Technical paperwork
- Reporting
المهارات - Skill :
- Creativity
- Communication skills
- Attentive to detail
- Teamwork
- Frameworks
- AngularJS, Git
- Coding language
- C++
التعليم - Education :
- Bachelor's degree (BSc/BA)
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Science
الخطوة 4: ما تبقى هو اختيار أفضل الكلمات الرئيسية لك وأكثرها صلة بخبرتك.
ضع في اعتبارك أنه لا يجب تضمين جميع الكلمات الرئيسية في السيرة الذاتية، أختر فقط المهارات والمؤهلات والإنجازات ذات الصلة بخبرتك، وبمجرد أن تحدد جميع الكلمات الرئيسية المناسبة لك، استخدمها في سيرتك الذاتية.الخطوة 5: أخيرًا ، إليك نموذج عملي لسيرة ذاتية تم تصميمها اعتمادا على جميع الخطوات والتعليمات أعلاه.
ألقِ نظرة على السيرة الذاتية ادناه لمطورة البرامج Melissa والتي تم تصميمها لتتوافق مع معايير ATS، حيث مرت Melissa بجميع الخطوات الموضحة في هذا المثال وأضافت جميع الكلمات الرئيسية ذات الصلة في سيرتها الذاتية.الكلمات الرئيسية للسيرة الذاتية مقسمة حسب الوظائف ومجالات العمل
على الرغم من أن الكلمات الرئيسية للسيرة الذاتية تقتبس من الوصف الوظيفي لكل وظيفة بحد ذاتها ، إلا أن هناك بعض المهارات والمتطلبات الشائعة والتي يراقبها مختصو التوظيف دائمًا، ستجد أدناه قائمة لأهم الكلمات الرئيسية لكل وظيفة ومجال عمل.كما أشرنا في بداية هذا المقال بأن هناك فئتان رئيسيتان من الكلمات الرئيسية التي يبحث عنها مختصو التوظيف و أنظمة تتبع المتقدمين ATS وهما:
- أفعال العمل - Action verbs
- المهارات المتعلقة بالوظيفة - Job related skills
1- أفعال العمل - Action verbs (أفعال العمل في السيرة الذاتية)
الآن اليك الكلمات الرئيسية الخاصة بأفعال العمل والتي يبحث عنها مديرو الموارد البشرية ومسؤولو التوظيف و ATS!الكلمات الرئيسية "الكلمات المفتاحية" الخاصة بأفعال العمل |
Action Verbs Keywords |
Accomplished |
Achieved |
Adapted |
Administered |
Advanced |
Allocated |
Analyzed |
Assessed |
Attained |
Balanced |
Brainstormed |
Centralized |
Championed |
Changed |
Clarified |
Coached |
Collaborated |
Communicated |
Completed |
Complied |
Conducted |
Consulted |
Coordinated |
Corrected |
Counseled |
Created |
Designed |
Determined |
Developed |
Devised |
Directed |
Distributed |
Documented |
Eliminated |
Empowered |
Energized |
Enhanced |
Established |
Evaluated |
Exceeded |
Excelled |
Executed |
Expedited |
Explained |
Extracted |
Facilitated |
Finalized |
Formed |
Fulfilled |
Gained |
Generated |
Guided |
Handled |
Headed |
Identified |
Implemented |
Improved |
Increased |
Initiated |
Innovated |
Installed |
Instituted |
Instructed |
Integrated |
Introduced |
Investigated |
Launched |
Lead |
Managed |
Maximized |
Negotiated |
Operated |
Optimized |
Ordered |
Organized |
Overcame |
Oversaw |
Participated |
Partnered |
Performed |
Piloted |
Pinpointed |
Planned |
Positioned |
Predicted |
Prepared |
Presented |
Prevented |
Processed |
Procured |
Produced |
Promoted |
Qualified |
Quantified |
Recognized |
Rectified |
Redefined |
Redesigned |
Related |
Resolved |
Restored |
Restructured |
Reviewed |
Revitalized |
Salvaged |
Satisfied |
Saved |
Screened |
Set-up |
Streamlined |
Supervised |
Tailored |
Taught |
Trained |
Uncovered |
Unified |
Upgraded |
Utilized |
Validated |
Wrote |
2- المهارات المتعلقة بالوظيفة - Job related skills (الكلمات المفتاحية في السيرة الذاتية)
الان اليك الكلمات الرئيسية الخاصة بالمهارات المتعلقة بالوظيفة والتي يبحث عنها مديرو الموارد البشرية ومختصو التوظيف و ATS!الكلمات المفتاحية لوظائف الموارد البشرية |
(HR) Human Resources Resume Keywords |
Administration |
Affirmative action |
Applicants |
Assessments |
Benefits |
Candidates |
Career pathing |
Change management |
Claims |
Compensation |
Competency |
Disabilities |
Electronic applicant screening |
Employee empowerment |
Employee relations |
Equal opportunity |
Grievance proceedings |
Hiring |
Incentives |
Labor arbitration |
Labor contract |
Merit |
Negotiations |
Organizational needs |
Performance incentives |
Position classification |
Professional recruitment |
Salary |
Sourcing |
Staffing |
Succession planning |
Team building |
Union relations |
Wage |
Workforce |
Benefits administration |
Assessment and selection |
Behavioral interviewing |
Benchmarking |
Benefits administration |
Budgeting and fiscal control |
Business reengineering |
Business writing strategies |
Change management |
Coaching |
Collective bargaining |
Community service |
Compensation management/analysis |
Consultant |
Contract negotiations |
Culture management |
Curriculum development |
Database management |
Decision making |
Dispute arbitration |
Diversity management |
Documentation |
Employee engagement |
Employee handbook |
Employee orientation |
Employee relations and mediation |
Employee retention |
Employee satisfaction |
Employee surveys |
Equal employment opportunity |
(eeo) |
Equity issues |
Executive search |
Exit interview |
Facilitation |
Generalist |
Grievances |
Hris technology and solutions |
Headhunter |
Health and safety programs |
(occupational) |
Human capital management |
Incentive programs |
Industrial relations |
Interviewing |
Job descriptions |
Labor relations |
Leadership development |
Leadership surveys |
Lost time/leave |
Management/management principles |
Mentoring |
Merger and acquisition |
Negotiations |
Operating budget |
Organizational behavior |
Organizational effectiveness |
Organizational development |
Outplacement |
Outsource |
Payroll |
Pension administration |
Performance appraisal/evaluation |
Performance improvement |
Performance management |
Personnel records |
Personnel selection |
Planning |
Policies |
Pre-employment screening |
Procedures |
Professional development |
Program design |
Project development |
Project management |
Promotion |
Recognition |
Recruitment |
Regulatory affairs |
Remunerate |
Resume |
Restructure |
Retention |
Rewards and recognition |
Salary reviews |
Selection process |
Specialist |
Staffing/scheduling requirements |
Strategic management/planning |
Succession planning |
Systems information |
Talent management |
Team building |
Temp |
Training and development |
Union |
Vendor management |
Workers compensation |
Workflow reviews |
Workforce planning |
Career pathing |
Change management |
Claims administration |
College recruitment |
Compensation |
Competency-based performance |
Corporate culture change |
Cross-cultural communications |
Diversity management |
Equal employment opportunity (eeo) |
Employee communications |
Employee empowerment |
Employee involvement teams |
Employee relations |
Employee retention |
Employee surveys |
Expatriate employment |
Grievance proceedings |
Human resources (hr) |
Human resources generalist affairs |
Human resources partnerships |
Incentive planning |
International employment |
Job task analysis |
Labor arbitration |
Labor contract negotiations |
Labor relations |
Leadership assessment |
Leadership development |
Management training & development |
Manpower planning |
Merit promotion |
Multimedia training |
Multinational workforce |
Organizational design |
Organizational development |
Organizational needs assessment |
Participative management |
Performance appraisal |
Performance incentives |
Performance reengineering |
Position classification |
Professional recruitment |
Regulatory affairs |
Retention |
Safety training |
Self-directed work teams |
Staffing |
Succession planning |
Train-the-trainer |
Training & development |
Union negotiations |
Union relations |
Wage & salary administration |
Workforce reengineering |
Benefits and compensation |
Collective agreement |
Conflict resolution |
Contract negotiation |
Employee assistance and wellness |
Employer value proposition |
Executive development |
Executive sponsorship / influencing |
Grievance and arbitration |
Hr policy development and execution |
Human resource administration |
Human resource systems / technology |
Industrial relations |
Payroll administration |
Performance management |
Job analysis / development |
Lawsuit settlement assistance |
Merger and acquisition |
Occupational health and safety |
Organizational development |
Recruitment and selection |
Resources planning / budgeting |
Risk management |
Settlement negotiations |
Succession planning |
Talent development / retention |
Training and development |
Workers’ compensation administration |
الكلمات المفتاحية لوظائف المحاسبة والمالية |
Accounting & Finance Resume Keywords |
Accounts payable |
Accounts receivable |
Assets |
Audit |
Bid |
Bonds |
Branch operations |
Calculation |
Capital |
Collections |
Commercial banking |
Consumer |
Corporate tax |
Cost accounting |
Cost/benefit analysis |
Credit analysis |
Debt financing |
Deposit |
E-trade |
Excel |
Filo |
Financial analysis |
Financial planning |
Foreign exchange |
Global banking |
International financing |
investment |
Investor relations |
Job costing |
Letters of credit |
Leveraged buyout |
Loan |
Loss |
Numbers |
Operating budgets |
Portfolio |
Profits |
Recovery |
Return on equity |
Return on investment |
revenue |
Risk management |
Securities |
Shareholder |
Spreadsheet |
Stock |
Trade |
Treasury |
Trust |
Turnaround |
(FASB) financial accounting standards board |
Accounting |
Accounts payable |
Accounts receivable |
Adjusting/closing entries |
Analysis/analyzing |
Annual budget |
Annual reports |
Asset management |
Audit/auditing/audit controls |
Automatic data processing (ADP) |
Balance sheet |
Benefits administration |
Billing |
Bond(s) |
Budget/budgeting/budget control |
Business plan |
Buyout |
CAD (cash against documents) |
Campaign |
Capital budget |
Cashflow |
Cashflow statement (CFS) |
Cash management |
CFA (chartered financial analyst) |
Chart of accounts |
Client/client base |
Collections |
Commercial lending |
Compliance |
Consumer lending |
Contract management |
Corporate governance |
Corporate treasury |
Cost accounting |
Cost-benefit analysis |
Cost-effective |
Cost of goods sold (COGS) |
Cost reduction and avoidance |
Credit management |
Data analysis |
Data collection/entry |
Data management |
Data quality |
Debt management |
Debt refinancing |
Debt service |
Debt to worth |
Depreciation |
Accelerated Depreciation |
Disbursements |
Discount cash flow |
Dividend(s) |
Due diligence |
Efficiencies |
Equity |
Equity underwriting |
expenditures |
Expense analysis |
Fast-paced |
Feasibility |
Financial analysis |
Financial management |
Financial modeling |
Financial planning |
Financial reporting |
Financial statements |
Fixed assets |
Fixed cost |
Forecast/forecasting |
Foreign exchange |
General accounting |
General ledger |
High stress |
Income statement |
Inflow/outflow |
Initial public offering (IPO) |
Interest rate(s) |
Internal controls |
International financial reporting standards |
Inventory control |
Inventory management |
Investment analysis/management |
Investor relations |
Invoicing |
Job (order) costing |
Journal/journaling |
Lending |
Letter of credit |
Liabilities/liability |
Liquidity |
Loan administration |
Machine learning |
Management reporting |
Markets |
Mergers and acquisitions |
Mutual fund(s) |
Net present value (NPV) |
Net worth |
Operating reports |
Overhead |
Payroll administration |
Portfolio analysis |
Process improvement |
Profit and loss analysis |
Profit and loss statement (P&L) |
Projections |
Public speaking |
Purchase accounting |
Quarterly/year-end reporting |
Real estate |
Receipts |
Reconciliations |
Regulations |
Relationship management |
Reporting and analysis |
Revenue growth |
Reverse takeover |
Risk management |
Securities |
Shareholders |
Spreadsheets |
Standards |
Statistical models |
Stock(s) |
Strategic planning |
Strategic thinking |
Tax accounting |
taxation compliance |
Technology |
Transaction |
Treasury |
Trend analysis |
Underwriting |
Valuation |
Variance analysis |
Vendor |
Venture capital |
Account management |
Business volume |
Client accounts |
Budgeting |
Financial reports |
Risk analysis |
Quantitative analysis |
Qualitative analysis |
Auditing |
Forensic accounting |
الكلمات المفتاحية لوظائف المشتريات والنقل والخدمات اللوجستية |
Purchasing, Transportation & Logistics Resume Keywords |
Acquisition |
Asset management |
Bid |
Capital acquisition |
Commodities |
Competitive bidding |
Customs compliance |
Deadstock |
Demand planning |
Fixed-price contracts |
Fleet management |
Forecasting |
International trade |
Inventory control |
Inventory planning |
Just-in-time |
Materials |
Offshore purchasing |
Outsourcing |
Procurement |
Purchasing |
Replenishment |
Requisitions |
Sourcing |
Subcontractor |
Supplier |
Supply chain |
Transportation |
Truck loading/unloading |
Vendor |
Warehouse |
Vehicle maintenance |
Route planning |
Commercial driver’s license (cdl) |
Forklifts |
Punctual |
Vehicle inspections |
Account retention |
Interpersonal skills |
Dump trucks |
Teamwork |
Airfare |
Airline |
Business travel |
Cargo |
Carrier |
Container |
Contract |
Dedicated logistics operations |
Dispatch operations |
Distribution management |
Driver leasing |
Equipment control |
Export |
Fleet management |
Freight |
Gps |
Hazmat |
Import |
Inbound |
Load analysis |
Logistics |
Port operations |
Regulatory compliance |
Route management |
Route planning |
Safety |
terminal operations |
Ticketing |
Traffic planning |
Transportation services |
Travel |
Travel budgeting |
Travel planning |
الكلمات المفتاحية لوظائف الامتثال القانوني والمحاماة |
Law legal compliance Resume Keywords |
Acquisition |
Acquisition |
Adjudication |
Adjudication |
Administrative law |
Administrative law |
Affidavit |
Affidavit |
Analysis |
Antiterrorism |
Antitrust |
Antitrust |
Appeal |
Armed security |
Arrest record |
Asset protection |
Briefs |
Briefs |
Case law |
Case law |
Clerk |
Clerk |
Community engagement |
Compliance |
Contract drafting |
Copyright law |
Copyright law |
Corporate security |
Covert operations |
Crime |
Crime analysis |
Crime prevention |
Crime prevention |
Crisis communications |
Crisis management |
Crisis management |
Depositions |
Depositions |
Detection |
Discovery |
Discovery |
Drugs |
Due diligence |
Due diligence |
Electronic surveillance |
Emergency preparedness |
Europol |
Filing |
Fraud |
Identity theft |
Intellectual property |
Intellectual property |
Intellectual property |
Interrogation |
Interrogation |
Interview techniques |
Joint venture |
Joint venture |
Judicial affairs |
Judicial affairs |
Juridical doctor |
Juris doctor |
Landmark decision |
Landmark decision |
Legal advocacy |
Legal advocacy |
Legal research |
Legal research |
Legislative review |
Legislative review |
Licensing |
Licensing limited |
Limited partnership |
Litigation |
Litigation |
Litigation software |
Mediation |
Mediation |
Memorandum |
Memorandum |
Motion |
Motion |
Narcotics |
Negotiation |
Negotiation |
Negotiation |
Paralegal |
Paralegal |
Partnership |
Patent law |
Patent law |
Police surveillance |
Probate law |
Probate law |
Public defender |
Safety training |
Settlement |
Settlement |
Surveillance |
Swat |
Task force |
Theft |
Tort law |
Traffic enforcement |
Trial law |
Trial law |
Typing |
Unfair compensation |
Unfair compensation |
Uniform patrol |
Uniform patrol |
Victim |
Will preparation |
Will preparation |
Witness protection |
Witness protection |
الكلمات المفتاحية للوظائف الهندسية (عامة) |
Engineering Resume Keywords (Generally) |
3D modeling |
Analysis |
Business process |
Capital project |
Charge order |
Computer-aided engineering |
Cross-functional team |
Development cycle |
Efficiency |
Documentation |
Engineering |
Environmental testing |
Experimental design |
Facilities engineering |
Field performance |
Guidelines |
Hydraulics |
Industrial engineering |
Justification |
Land survey |
Manufacturability |
Methods |
Process development |
Product design |
Product innovation |
Project costing |
Project planning |
Prototype |
Qualitative analysis |
Quantitative analysis |
Quality assurance |
R&D re-engineering |
Regulatory compliance |
Research and development |
Scale-up |
Scheduling |
Technical specification writing |
Tender documentation |
Turnkey |
Work methods |
الكلمات المفتاحية لوظيفة مهندس كهرباء |
Electrical engineer Resume keywords |
Analog |
Analog & Mixed Signals |
Assembly Line |
AutoCAD |
Computer Aided Design |
Control Systems |
Electrical Design |
Electrical Engineering |
Electrical Testing |
Electricity |
FPGA Implementation |
Generator |
Hardware |
Laboratory Qualification |
Motorizing |
Nano Device Technology |
NEC Electrical Codes |
Oscilloscope |
Power Electronics |
Process Improvement |
Project Management |
Prototype Design |
Radio Frequency |
Schematics |
Signal Processing |
Simulation Software |
Validation & Analysis |
Wireless Communications |
Wiring |
الكلمات المفتاحية لوظيفة مهندس مدني |
Civil Engineer Resume keywords |
AutoCAD |
Civil |
Civil engineering |
Client |
Concrete Work |
Construction |
Construction Management |
Cost Estimating |
Degree |
Design |
Detail |
Drainage |
Energy |
Engineering |
Environment |
Erosion |
Groundwater |
Infrastructure |
Land Development |
PE |
Piping |
Project |
Quality control |
Site |
Steel Manufacturing |
Stormwater |
Stormwater Management |
Team |
Technical |
Utilities |
الكلمات المفتاحية لوظيفة مهندس معماري |
Architecture Resume Keywords |
Abstraction |
Architectural Codes |
Architectural Rendering |
AutoCAD |
Bilingual |
Building Codes |
Building Construction |
Building Systems |
Computer Processing |
Computer-Aided Design (CAD) |
Conceptualization |
Construction Administration |
Construction Documents |
Creative Thinking |
Design Concepts |
Design Development |
Design to Delivery |
Fire Safety |
Imagination |
Industrial Design |
Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) |
Managing Expectations |
Model Making |
Residential Construction |
Retail Construction |
Sustainable Design |
Technical Vision |
User interface design |
Visual design |
Zoning Codes |
الكلمات المفتاحية لوظائف هندسة الحاسبات والبرمجيات |
Computers Software Engineering Resume keywords |
Agile |
C# |
C++ |
CASE Tools |
Circuit |
Client-Server |
Cloud |
Code Development |
Computer Architecture |
Computer Engineering |
Computer Graphics |
Computer Hardware |
Computer Interface |
Computer Modeling |
Computer Operating Systems |
Computer Programming Languages |
Computer Science |
Computer Simulation/Modeling |
Computer Software |
Computer Storage & Retrieval |
Computer Systems Analysis |
Computer Theory |
Computer Vision |
Computer/Data/Network Security |
Cybernetics |
Data |
Database |
Design |
Digital Computers/Computing |
Discrete Mathematics |
End-User |
Engineer (MCSE) |
Ethics/Values in Science and |
Expert Systems |
Files |
Functional |
Git |
Global |
Hardware |
Information Technology (IT) |
Installation |
Internet |
Java |
Javascript |
Linux |
Local Area Network (LAN) |
Management Information Systems |
Microsoft Certified Systems |
Modifications |
Network |
Online |
Parallel Algorithms |
Parallel Programming |
Pattern recognition |
PCs |
Performance |
Peripherals |
Printers |
Program Management |
Program Verification |
Project |
Python |
Quality Assurance |
Real Time |
Relational Database |
Reports |
Scripts |
Software |
Software Development |
Software Engineering |
Structured Design |
System Design |
System Performance |
System Requirements |
Technology |
الكلمات المفتاحية لوظائف تكنولوجيا المعلومات |
(IT) Information Technology Resume Keywords |
Artificial intelligence (AI) |
Applications architecture |
Benchmarking |
Capacity |
Cellular |
Communications |
Data |
Data recovery |
Database |
Desktop |
Disaster recovery |
Documents |
End user |
Engineering |
Firewall |
Hardware |
Information systems |
Imaging |
Implementation |
Java |
JavaScript |
Lan |
Local area network |
Machine learning |
Multi-user interface |
Network administration |
Operating system |
Project |
Real time |
Remote access |
SaaS |
Security |
Server |
Startup |
Systems acquisition |
Systems configuration |
Wan |
Wireless |
Access platform |
Ad creative |
Impression |
Inventory |
Rotation analysis |
Configuration |
Deployment |
Design |
Application technology |
Architecture |
Artificial intelligence |
Banner advertisement |
Business analysis |
Business continuity |
Business support systems |
Business transformation |
C++ programming |
Capital budgets |
Certificate authority |
Change management |
Channel behavior |
Cloud computing |
Co-branding |
Competitive intelligence |
Compliance and security |
Component development |
Customization and configuration |
Data center operations |
Data controller |
Data gathering |
Data localization |
Data mining/warehousing |
Database administration |
Database design |
Database development |
Database integration |
Database management |
Delivery systems |
Design patterns |
Digital marketing (pull/push) |
Digital media |
Disaster recovery |
Distributed systems |
Distribution channels |
E-commerce |
Electronic data interchange (edi) |
Electronic marketing |
Encryption |
End-user support |
Enterprise systems |
E-portal |
Fault analysis |
Framework |
Geographic information system (gis) |
Global hits |
Graphic design |
Information security |
Information technology |
Infrastructure development |
Intellectual property rights (ipr) |
Java technology |
Knowledge management |
Lan/wan |
Licensing |
Machine learning |
Management information system (mis) |
Ms sql |
Multiplatform integration |
Needs assessment |
Network administration |
Network engineering |
Network solutions |
Nosql |
Open-source technology |
Operations support systems |
Oracle |
Privacy policy |
Process reengineering |
Product launch |
Product lifecycle development |
Product testing |
Professional service |
Program management |
Programming / coding |
Project management |
Quality assurance / code testing |
Research & development |
Resource management |
Root cause analysis |
Scalability and product extensions |
Scrum |
Search engine optimization (seo) |
Service-oriented architecture |
Software configuration |
Software development |
Software engineering |
Software installation / upgrade |
Software-as-as-service |
Solutions delivery |
Sql |
Structured query language (sql) |
System integration |
Systems administration |
Systems configuration |
Systems deployment |
Systems development life cycle (sdlc) |
Technical documentation |
Technical support |
Technology stack |
Testing |
Turnkey |
Uml |
Unix |
User interface design |
Vendor management |
Visual basic |
Voice over internet protocol (voip) |
Vortals (vertical industry portals) |
Web administration |
Web-based technology |
Workflow management |
Yield management |
الكلمات المفتاحية لوظائف العلاقات العامة |
Public Relations Resume Keywords |
Advertising |
Brand management |
Broadcast media |
Communications |
Community |
Corporate creative services |
Corporate identity |
Crisis communications |
Direct mail campaign |
Electronic advertising |
Event management |
Fundraising |
Journalism |
Logistics |
Market research |
Media relations |
Outreach |
Presentation |
Press releases |
Print media |
Promotions |
Public affairs |
Public speaking |
Publications |
Sales incentives |
Social media |
Special events |
Sponsorship |
Strategic positioning |
Trade shows |
Verbal communication |
Verbal communication |
Website copy |
Written communication |
الكلمات المفتاحية لوظائف السكرتارية وإدارة المكاتب |
Office Administrative Resume Keywords |
Administrative processes |
Back-office operations |
Budget administration |
Business administration |
Call screening |
Clerical support |
Client communications |
Confidentiality |
Contract administration |
Customer communications |
Data entry |
Document management |
Efficiency improvement |
Executive support |
Filing |
Front office operations |
Google calendar |
HR policy |
Liaison affairs |
Meeting planning |
Microsoft office |
Office management |
Office supply inventorying |
Policy |
Procedure |
Productivity and performance |
Project management |
Records management |
Regulatory reporting |
Resource management |
Schedule management |
Staff development |
Time management |
Typing |
Vendor communications |
Workflow planning and prioritization |
الكلمات الرئيسية للوظائف الإدارية (عامة) |
Management and Business Administration Resume Keywords |
Account management |
Acquisitions |
Administrative support |
Adobe creative suite |
Advertising |
Agile |
Alliances |
Analytical |
Analyzing data |
Api (application programming interface) |
Assessment |
Assets |
Automation |
Benchmark |
Benchmark |
Bi (business intelligence) |
Brand associations |
Brand awareness |
Brand salience |
Branding |
Budget |
Budget management |
Budget management |
Build relationships |
Business analysis |
Business analysis |
Business continuity |
Business development |
Business development |
Business intelligence |
Business plans |
Business process |
Business strategy |
Business systems |
Capital raising |
Case management |
Change management |
Change management |
Client outreach |
Client relationships |
Client services |
CMS (content management system) |
Coding |
Commissioning |
Communication |
Company culture |
Complex projects |
Consensus building |
Consulting |
Content |
Continuous improvement |
Contract management |
Conversion |
Cooperation |
Corporate |
Correspondence |
Cost reduction |
Counseling |
Cpg (consumer packaged goods) |
Crisis |
CRM (customer relationship management) |
Cross-functional team |
Customer experience |
Customer service |
Daily operations |
Data analysis |
Data collection/entry |
Data management |
Data quality |
Digital marketing |
E-commerce |
Efficiency |
Employee engagement |
Entrepreneur |
ERP (enterprise resource planning) |
Etl (extract transform load) |
Evaluation |
Executive |
Financial management |
Flex |
Goal |
Growth |
HRIS (human resources information system) |
Html |
IBM (international business machines) |
Improvement |
Information systems |
Internal communications |
Inventory management |
Kpi (key performance indicators) |
Leadership |
Long-term planning |
Machine learning |
Management consulting |
Margin |
Market development |
Market insights |
Market research |
Negotiation |
Negotiation |
Networking |
Operating system |
Operational excellence |
Operations |
Performance |
Performance management |
Performance standards |
Planning |
Policy development |
Portfolio management |
Process development |
Process improvement |
Process improvement |
Product management |
Product marketing |
Product quality |
Productivity |
Profit & loss |
programming language |
Project delivery |
Project management |
Public relations |
Public relations |
Quality assurance/control/management |
Recruit |
Recruitment |
Regulatory compliance |
Regulatory reporting |
Relationship building/management |
Relationships |
Reporting |
Resource management |
Retention |
Retention |
Revenue |
Sales management |
Sap (system application products) |
Scrum |
Sdl (software development lifecycle) |
Service blueprint |
Service management |
Six sigma |
Six sigma |
Spreadsheets |
Sql server |
Stakeholder management |
Standard operating procedures |
Standardization |
Startup |
Start-up |
Statistical analysis |
Status report |
Stp analysis (segmentation targeting positioning) |
Strategic direction |
Strategic oversight |
Strategic planning |
Strategy |
Strong analytical skills |
Supply chain management |
Swot analysis |
Tactical planning |
Team building |
Turnaround |
Value proposition |
Vendor |
Vendor management |
Workflow |
Workflow management |
Workforce |
الكلمات المفتاحية لوظائف الخدمات العقارية والإنشاءات |
Real Estate Construction Resume Keywords |
Appraisal |
Building |
Code compliance |
Commercial development |
Competitive bidding |
Contract administration |
Contract award |
Demographics |
Environmental compliance |
Estimating |
Fair market value pricing |
Financing |
Foreman |
Infrastructure |
Land |
Leasing |
Mapping |
Preventative maintenance |
Project concept |
Project development |
Property management |
Real estate appraisal |
Real estate investment trust |
Renovation |
Residential |
Return on investment |
Site development |
Turnkey |
الكلمات المفتاحية لوظائف التصميم والرسم الإبداعي |
Creation Design Resume Keywords |
Adobe |
Art |
Awareness |
Behance |
Bibliography |
Collection |
Color |
Commission |
Conference |
Creative |
Design |
Gallery |
Grant |
Ideation |
Illustrator |
InDesign |
Lecture |
Packaging |
Photoshop |
Portfolio |
Presentation |
Preservation |
Residency |
Sketch |
Typography |
Visual |
Web design |
Workshop |
الكلمات المفتاحية لوظائف التدريب والتدريس والتعليم |
Education Learning Resume Keywords |
Addressed |
Administration |
Administration |
Advised |
Advisor |
Assisted |
Awarded |
Classroom |
Classroom |
Coach |
Coach |
Co-directed |
Cognitive skills |
Collaboration |
Community building |
Computer-based training |
Counsel |
Course |
Coursework |
Curriculum |
Discipline |
Education |
Enrollment |
Field instruction |
Fundraising |
Goals |
Grant |
Holistic learning |
Inclusive |
Individualized education |
Instruction |
Integration |
Interactive |
Interpersonal |
Job placement |
Listening |
Literacy |
Mentor |
Multi-class |
Networking |
Parent communications |
Parent-teacher meeting |
Peer counseling |
Program development |
Public relations |
Relationship building |
Scholastic |
Setting boundaries |
Student |
Student services |
Study |
Teaching |
Technology |
Training |
Tutoring |
Verbal communication |
Writing lesson plans |
Writing reports |
Written communication |
الكلمات المفتاحية لوظائف الصناعات/التصنيع |
Manufacturing Resume Keywords |
Accident prevention |
Assembly |
Asset management |
Audit control procedures |
Automated manufacturing |
Capacity planning |
Capital budget |
Capital machinery acquisition |
Capital project |
Cell manufacturing |
CNC / PLC machining |
Computer integrated |
Concurrent engineering |
Continuous improvement |
Cost avoidance |
Cost reductions |
Cross-functional teams |
Cycle time reduction |
Distribution management |
Efficiency improvement |
Environmental health & safety |
Equipment management |
Ergonomically efficient |
Facilities consolidation |
Facility management |
Forecasting / budgeting |
Inventory control |
Inventory management |
Inventory planning |
ISO 9000 compliance |
Just-in-time (jit) |
Labor efficiency |
Labor relations |
Lean / agile manufacturing |
Logistics |
Logistics management |
Machine downtime |
Manufacturing (cim) |
Manufacturing engineering |
Manufacturing integration |
Manufacturing technology |
Master schedule |
Materials management |
Materials planning |
Materials replenishment |
Multi-site operations |
Occupational health & safety (oh&s) |
On-time delivery |
Operating budget |
Operations management |
Operations reengineering |
Operations start-up |
Optimization |
Order fulfillment |
Order processing |
Outsourcing |
Participative management |
Performance improvement |
Physical inventory |
Pilot manufacturing |
Plant management |
Plant operations |
Preventative maintenance |
Process automation |
Process improvement |
Process redesign/reengineering |
Procurement |
Product development & engineering |
Product rationalization |
Product testing / validation |
Production forecasting |
Production lead time |
Production management |
Production methodologies |
Production output |
Production plans/schedules |
Production scheduling |
Productivity improvement |
Profit & loss (p&l) management |
Project budget |
Prototype design |
Purchasing / procurement |
Purchasing management |
Quality assurance |
Quality circles |
Regulatory compliance |
Re-tooling |
Safety documentation |
Safety management |
Safety training |
Shipping & receiving operation |
Six sigma |
Spares & repairs management |
Statistical process control (spc) |
System (mrp) |
Technology integration |
Time & motion studies |
Total quality management (tqm) |
Traffic management |
Turnaround management |
Union negotiations |
Value-added processes |
Vendor management |
Warehouse management |
Work in progress (wip) |
Workflow optimization |
Workforce management |
World class manufacturing (wcm) |
Yield improvement |
الكلمات المفتاحية لوظائف البيع بالتجزئة وخدمة العملاء/الزبائن |
Retail Customer Service Resume Keywords |
Account management |
Account representative |
Assessment |
Awareness |
Benchmarks |
Business administration |
Buyers |
Call center |
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (cpr) |
Communications |
Complaint resolution |
Contracts |
Credit |
Customer |
Customer needs |
Customer retention |
Customer satisfaction |
Customer satisfaction |
Customer support |
Data entry |
Delivery |
Diplomacy |
Distribution |
Evacuation procedures |
Fulfillment |
Help desk |
Inventory control |
Knowledgebase |
Loss prevention |
Loyalty |
Orders |
Point of sale (pos) operation |
Procedure standardization |
Processing |
Product displays |
Promotions |
Quality |
Records |
Sales |
Service |
Sourcing |
Surveys |
Technical support |
Telemarketing |
Vendors |
الكلمات المفتاحية لوظائف الضيافة والفندقة وخدمات الطعام |
Food Service & Hospitality Resume Keywords |
Amenities |
Attention to detail |
Back of house |
Back-of-house |
Bartending |
Beverage |
Bussing |
Calculation |
Cash handling |
Catering |
Club management |
Cocktail preparation |
Communication |
Concierge |
Cooking |
Customer |
Detail-oriented |
Enthusiastic |
Equipment cleaning |
Fast-paced |
Flexible |
Food |
Food expediting |
Food handling and safety |
Food knowledge |
Food preparation |
Food safety |
Friendly |
Front of house |
Front-of-house |
Guest |
Health |
Hospitality |
Inventory |
Kitchen hygiene |
Latin american cuisine |
Menu |
Menu presentation |
Multitasking |
Occupancy |
Ordering |
People skills |
Personable |
Point of sale |
Point of sales (pos) terminals |
Portion control |
Positive |
Preparation |
Register |
Reservation |
Reservation management |
Safety |
Salesmanship |
Scheduling |
Team player |
Upbeat |
Upselling |
Vendor sourcing |
Waiting |
الكلمات المفتاحية لوظائف السياحة والسفر |
Tourism and Hospitality Resume Keywords |
Adherence to policies and procedures |
Attention to detail |
Back office operations |
Banquet operations |
Budgeting |
Catering |
Central reservation system (crs) |
Client needs assessment |
Club management |
Competitive analysis |
Concierge |
Customer service |
Event coordination |
Facility management |
Flexibility |
Food and beverage |
Food sanitation |
Front desk operations |
Greeting |
Guest relations |
Guest retention |
Guest services |
Haccp |
Health & safety |
Hospitality management |
Housekeeping |
Inventory planning |
Kitchen operations |
Maintenance |
Marketing |
Meeting planning |
Menu planning |
Multitasking |
Multi-unit operations |
New product development |
Occupancy |
Portion control |
Positivity |
Pricing |
Procurement |
Program management |
Promote services |
Promotions |
Property development |
Property management |
Quality assurance |
Recall customer programs |
Regulatory compliance |
Reservations |
Resolving complaints |
Resort management |
Revenue projections |
Server |
Service management |
Training & development |
Transportation |
Travel and tourism |
Vendor management |
الكلمات المفتاحية لوظائف الرعاية الصحية والخدمات الإنسانية |
Healthcare Human Services Resume Keywords |
Health insurance portability and accountability act (hipaa) |
Patient care |
Hoyer lifts |
X-rays |
Periodontal treatment |
Taking vital signs |
International classification of diseases |
Tenth revision (icd-10) designations |
Physical examinations |
Emergency treatment |
Body combat |
Acute care |
Administrator |
Advocate |
Ambulance |
Assisted living |
Behavior management |
Case management |
Casework |
Chronic care |
Clinic |
Continuity of care |
Counseling |
Electronic claims |
Emergency |
Fee billing |
Grant administration |
Inpatient |
Managed care |
Multi-hospital |
Outpatient |
Patient |
Peer review |
Physician |
Preventative medicine |
Provider |
Psychiatry |
Psychology |
Public health |
Rehabilitation |
Social services |
Substance abuse |
Testing |
Third party |
Treatment |
Vocational placement |
Wellness |
A-v graft |
Average response time |
Beta-test |
Cardiac catheterization |
Cardiac cath lab |
Case history reports |
Caseload management |
Central line placements |
Composite health care system |
Diagnosis |
Electrophoresis |
Emergency treatment |
ER |
Fistula revascularizations |
Flow sheets |
Government requirements |
Hospital procedure |
Intensive Care Unit (ICU) |
Immunizations |
Instructions |
Instrument trays |
Medical assistance |
Nursing practitioners |
Nursing staff |
Occupational therapy |
Outpatient |
Pacemaker |
Paternity tests |
Patient care procedures |
Patient comfort |
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) |
Physician prescriptions |
Picc lines |
Plastic surgery |
Policies |
Prescription drug |
Presentations |
Quality of care |
Samples |
Satisfaction surveys |
Sedation |
Skin grafts |
Special procedures unit |
Surgical equipment |
Swan-ganz catheter |
Tests |
Traumatized patients |
Treatment |
Ultrasound |
Water safety |
الكلمات المفتاحية لوظائف التصنيع والإنتاج وخزن المواد والبضائع |
Manufacturing Industrial & Warehousing Resume Keywords |
Cargo |
Carrier |
Container |
Contract |
Dispatch operations |
Distribution |
Distribution management |
Driver leasing |
Equipment |
Export |
Fleet management |
Forklift |
Freight |
Health and safety |
Import |
Improvement |
Inbound/outbound |
Just-in-time |
Load analysis |
Logistics |
Manufacturing |
Materials |
Multi-site |
Occupational hazard |
Operations |
Order fulfillment |
Order processing |
Performance |
Port operations |
Receiving |
Regulatory compliance |
Route management |
Route planning and analysis |
Safety management |
Schedule |
Shipping |
Storage |
Terminal operation |
Traffic |
Transportation services |
Warehouse management |
Warehouse operations |
Workflow optimization |
Yield improvement |
الكلمات الرئيسية لوظائف التسويق والمبيعات |
Sales & Marketing Resume Keywords |
Search engine optimization (seo) |
Google analytics |
Screaming frog |
Marketing strategy |
Web-based advertising |
Social media |
Campaigning |
Financial forecasting |
Business development |
Account |
Account management |
Action plan |
Advertising |
Agency management |
Analytics |
Angle |
Audience |
B2b |
B2c |
Behavior |
Brand management |
Campaign |
Competitive analysis |
Creative design |
Customer loyalty |
Customer needs |
Customer retention |
Design |
Direct mail |
Direct response |
Direct sales |
Distributor incentive planning |
Margin |
Market launch |
Market positioning |
Market share |
New market |
Product launch |
Profit growth |
Promotions |
Revenue stream |
Sales forecasting |
Social media |
Solutions selling |
Supply chain |
Sustainability |
Sweepstakes |
Target market |
Technology |
Telemarketing |
Territory |
Trade marketing |
Trade show/trade show booth design |
transportation |
Trend analysis |
Vendor |
Visuals |
Wholesale |
الكلمات المفتاحية لوظائف منظمات المجتمع المدني (المنظمات غير الربحية / المنظمات غير الحكومية) |
NGO Non-Profit Resume Keywords |
Agency |
Annual |
Board |
Budget |
Campaign |
Communications |
Community |
Community outreach |
Coordinate |
Corporate giving donations |
Data |
Database |
Development |
Donor |
Endowment |
Events |
Foundation |
Funds |
Goals |
Grant |
Grassroots |
Humanitarian |
Leadership |
Manager |
Marketing |
Media |
Member services |
Non-governmental |
Non-Profit |
Not-for-profit |
Organizational |
Organizational vision |
Partners |
People |
Policy development |
Press release |
Program |
Public relations |
Relationships |
Reports |
Research |
Research foundation |
Retention |
Services |
Staff |
Strategic |
Strategic planning |
Team |
Training |
Volunteer |
Volunteer recruitment |
الكلمات الرئيسية لوظائف الصحة والسلامة المهنية |
HSE Keywords |
Accident Investigation |
Accident prevention |
Audits |
Behavior Safety |
Committee Management |
Compliance |
Construction Safety |
Control of work |
Emergency Drills |
Emergency Response Plan |
Environmental Awareness |
Firefighting And Fire Prevention |
Hazard Identification |
Hazard reporting |
Health and Safety Management |
HSE Management Systems |
Incident Investigation |
Incident Investigation |
Industrial Safety |
Injury |
Inspection Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) |
Inspections |
Instruction |
Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) |
Job Safety Analysis (JSA) |
Law Enforcement |
Occupational Health |
Occupational Health |
OSHA regulation |
Plant Safety |
PTW system |
Risk Assessment |
Risk Management |
Safety data sheet |
Safety Management |
Safety Risk Assessment |
Safety training |
Statistics |
Supervisory Skills |
Surveillance |
Systems Behavior Based |
Training |
Workplace Safety |
ملخص مهم
إليك بعض الأشياء التي يجب أخذها في الاعتبار بعد قراءة هذا المقال:
- الكلمات المفتاحية هي عامل بالغ الأهمية في السيرة الذاتية. إنها تساعدك على تجاوز ATS.
- تذكر كيفية الاستفادة المثلى من الكلمات الرئيسية للسيرة الذاتية: قم بمراجعة قائمة الوظائف بحثًا عن المسؤوليات والمتطلبات الرئيسية التي يبحث عنها مختصو التوظيف، قسّمهم إلى مسؤوليات متعلقة بالوظيفة وأفعال عمل، ثم استخدمها في سيرتك الذاتية في الأقسام المناسبة.
- لا تبالغ في استخدام الكلمات المفتاحية للسيرة الذاتية أو تكذب بشأن قدراتك، سيكتشف مختص التوظيف عملية الغش او الكذب عاجلا (من خلال مراجعة السيرة الذاتية) أو آجلا (اثناء المقابلة).
- ستعتمد كلمات سيرتك الذاتية بشكل أساسي على الوظيفة المحددة التي تتقدم لها. ومع ذلك ، هناك بعض الكلمات المفتاحية المطلوبة لكل مجال عمل او تخصص والتي يراقبها القائمون على التوظيف.
- يمكنك الإعتماد على هذا الدليل وقائمة الكلمات المفتاحية للوظيفة او المجال الذي تعمل فيه كلما اقتضى الأمر، قم بزيارة موقعنا HR insider بالعربي بإستمرار للإطلاع على كل جديد في مجال الاعمال والموارد البشرية وكذلك يمكنك اخذ جولة في موقعنا الان للإستفادة من مقالاتنا السابقة والتي تضم كم هائل من المعلومات والارشادات الموجهة لجميع الفئات من المبتدئين حتى المحترفين.