بعد المقابلة الشخصية، كيف ابلغ المرشح ذو المؤهلات العالية بأنه مرفوض وبأسلوب احترافي؟

إذا كنت مسؤولاً عن التوظيف وعن التواصل مع المرشحين قبل وبعد المقابلات، فلابد وان حصل وقابلت مرشحين كانوا يتمتعون بمؤهلات ومهارات اعلى من متطلبات وظيفتك الشاغرة، وكأسلوب احترافي ومهني للرد على هؤلاء المرشحين بالرفض يمكنك استخدام احد نماذج البريد الإلكتروني التالية والمصممة لهذا الغرض.

فبدلاً من إرسال بريد إلكتروني عام ، يمكنك أضافة لمسة احترافية لبريدك الالكتروني، وبهذه الطريقة ستترك انطباعًا جيدًا لدى أُولئِكَ المرشحين وتجعل من السهل الوصول إليهم مرة أخرى في المستقبل إذا توفرت لديك فرصة عمل أكثر ملاءمة لمؤهلاتهم وخبراتهم.

كون المرشح ذو مؤهلات عالية أو أعلى من متطلبات الوظيفة، يعني انه يتمتع بكافة المهارات والمعارف الضرورية بالإضافة الى الخبرة العملية الوفيرة، لذلك من المحتمل أن تتلائم خبرته ومؤهلاته مع منصب آخر أكبر في المستقبل، وعليه يفضل في رسالة البريد الإلكتروني الخاصة بالرفض ان تعبر عن اهتمامك بالبقاء على اتصال للحصول على فرص عمل مستقبلية مع شركتك.

إليك كيفية كتابة بريد إلكتروني احترافي لرفض المرشحين المؤهلين:

قم بتخصيص بريدك الإلكتروني

في حين أنه من الطبيعي أن تقول شيئًا مثل “The competition for this position was tough” عندما ترفض المرشحين الاخرين بعد وقوع الاختيار على المرشح الأنسب لشغل الشاغر المتاح، لكن هذا غير مناسب لإرساله للمرشحين ذوي المؤهلات العالية.

لذلك من الأفضل أن تعدل متن بريدك الالكتروني وتذكر شيئًا أكثر تحديدًا وملاءمة لمثل هذا النوع من الحالات.

تجنب التعليقات التمييزية

عند رفض المرشحين، التزم بالمبررات المتعلقة بالعمل. فعبارات كما في المثالين ادناه قد تنطوي على مخاطر قانونية لشركتك أو ايحاءات مسيئة تدل على التمييز.

“We are looking for a younger person to fill this role”

“We think a candidate with less experience would be more suitable for this position”

بدلاً من ذلك ، يستحسن بل ينبغي ذكر الحجج المتعلقة بالوظيفة ، مثل
“While we were impressed with your skills, we are looking for someone who has experience using X software.”

وادناه نماذج بريد الكتروني يمكنك استخدامها لرفض المرشحين ذوي المؤهلات العالية

"Overqualified Candidate"

                    نموذج 1                    
Dear [Candidate name], 
Thank you for taking the time to meet with our team about the [Vacant Position]. It was a pleasure to learn more about your skills and accomplishments. 
Unfortunately, we have chosen to move forward with a different candidate for the [Vacant Position]. 
I would like to note that we were all impressed by your skills and your attitude during the interview. 

That’s why I’d like you stay in touch and contact us when a more fitting opportunity opens up, one that better matches your profile.
I am happy to answer your questions if you would like any specific feedback about your application or interview. 
Thanks again for your interest in [Company Name] and best of luck with your job search. 
Kind regards, 

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Email]
[Your Phone Number]

                  نموذج 2                 
Dear [Candidate name], 
Thank you for applying to our job vacancy. 
While we were impressed with your qualifications, it appears that you are over-qualified for this position. 
Yet, we have saved your CV for future reference and we will keep you in mind for opportunities that might arise. 
Good luck! 

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Email]
[Your Phone Number]

                 نموذج 3                 
Dear [Candidate Name], 
Thank you very much for applying for our [Vacant Position] at [Company Name]. It was a pleasure getting to know you better and learning about your accomplishments. We’d like to let you know that we have chosen to move forward with a different candidate for this position. 

We were all extremely impressed by your qualifications and your in-person communication skills. We’d like to stay in touch with you and contact you if a position better suited to your abilities opens up. 

We’d be happy to answer any questions you have or offer specific feedback about your interview if you’d like. Feel free to reach out via [email/phone]. 

Thank you again for your interest in working at [Company Name]. We wish you the best of luck with your job search. 


[Your Name]
[Your Job title]
[Your Email]
[Your Phone Number]

             نموذج 4              
Dear [Candidate name], 
Thank you for taking the time to meet with our team about the [Vacant Position]. It was a 
pleasure to learn more about your skills and qualifications. 
Unfortunately, we have chosen to move forward with a different candidate for the [Vacant Position].

I would like to note that we were all impressed by your skills and your attitude during 
the interview. That’s why I’d like to stay in touch and contact you when a more fitting 
opportunity opens up; one that better matches your CV. 
I am happy to answer your questions if you would like any specific feedback about 
your application or interview. 
Thanks again for your interest in [Company Name] and best of luck with your job 
Kind regards, 

[Your Name]
[Your Job title]
[Your Email]
[Your Phone Number]

                نموذج 5                  
Hello [Candidate name], 
We enjoyed meeting with you to discuss the [Job title] role. It was a pleasure to learn more about your skills and accomplishments. 

Unfortunately, we have chosen to move forward with a different candidate for the [Vacant Position]. 

We were all impressed by your skills and attitude during the interview. We definitely want to stay in touch and contact you when a more fitting opportunity opens up. 

I am happy to answer your questions if you would like any specific feedback about your application or interview. 

Thanks again for your interest in [Company name] and best of luck with your job search. 

Kind regards, 

[Your Name]
[Your Job title]
[Your Email]
[Your Phone Number]

                 نموذج 6                 

Dear Mr./Mrs. [Candidate name],

Thank you for taking the time to meet with our team about the [Vacant Position]. It was a pleasure to learn more about your experiences and qualifications.

Unfortunately, we ended up moving forward with another candidate for the [Vacant Position].

I would like to note that we were all impressed by your skills and your attitude during the interview. That’s why I’d like to stay in touch and contact you when a more fitting opportunity opens up; one that better matches your profile.

Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information or specific feedback about your application or interview.

Thanks again for your interest to work with us and best of luck with your job search.

[Your Name]
[Your Job title]
[Your Email]
[Your Phone Number]

مترجم المقال : أيمن باسم محرر المقال : أيمن باسم المصــــــــادر : [1] [2] [3] [4]

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